One of the most lasting impacts of space exploration is inspiring the next generation to pursue scientific and engineering careers. The Apollo Moon missions had an amazing impact on the USA – many who were inspired went on to launch Silicon Valley!
These missions will prove to be one of the most educationally inspirational events in Latin American history.
Programs Include:
National Space Programs, and NASA offices, working with Xtronaut to deliver these programs as part of student outreach efforts.
Xtronaut ISS brought together Xtronaut and NanoRacks, a leader in science and logistics on the ISS, to launch experiments to the International Space Station for student discovery.
This program allowed students to be part of scientific discovery on the ISS with our two experiment kits, targeted to ages 7 (with adult supervision) and up!
Crystals: Xtronaut Space Station – Explore the differences between growing crystals on Earth and in space.
Microbes: Xtronaut Space Station – Learn about microbes that might live on the ISS compared to what might be living in your own home or classroom.
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